Personal Finances

Top 5 Personal Finance To Do's for 2019!

Top 5 Personal Finance To Do's for 2019!

It’s hard to know where to start, but the beauty of a new year is that fresh feeling and resolve to do better! 2019 will be an interesting year as we begin to get accustomed to the new tax laws. This isn’t the only thing we’re worried or confused about! Hopefully this guideline and resources will provide a little bit of help as you navigate through the first month of the new year.

Smart Investment Strategies for a Beginner Trader by Guest Blogger John Stone

What is the difference between people with money and investors? It goes without saying that of course, both of them have money. However, instead of spending it blindly, investors spend their money on assets that have potential for promising returns. The key in money management is to stretch your limited resources to buy assets that have the largest potential for returns. Those assets may be education, extending a house, paying down a debt, but can also be in stocks or bonds.

Beware of "Financial Advisors"

I know damn well this post is going to be controversial, but I also know that the opinions I will share aren't mine alone. The majority of people I speak with see the same issues, but no one has any idea what to do about it.  All I can personally do at this point in time is write about it and share the knowledge I've gained.  I don't consider myself a Financial Advisor.  I consider myself an educator and have built my business model in a very transparent way that focuses on providing education and resources to my clients that don't involve selling any additional services or products. We need more educators in this country and less salespeople helping you to deal with your money and investments, and please don't settle for less.

How I Ate my Way to Savings

I consider myself an extremely budget conscious person.  Just like some people spend a lot of time creating a lifestyle around eating healthy and going to the gym, I like to create and think about a healthy financial lifestyle.  Just when you think there is no more room for creating extra realistic improvements, something always pops up. 

Choosing a Credit Card for Airlines

People ask me all the time about credit cards and how to choose them. If you're looking to choose one and you absolutely love to travel like I do, here's a list of what each one offers you.  Please note this does not mean you use your cards as a way to get access to spending money you don't have; you would have to be able to pay off your statement balance each month.